Note from the owner:
My company was founded due to a great need in our community. My husband and three children share in the endeavor and have been by my side through the development and creation of ABC, INC. We want to recognize all individuals as people and with that recognition the opportunity for community integration. Community integration allows for a greater independence and development of meaningful relationships in life!
In my most recent years of consultation, I have seen many families struggle to navigate the system in obtaining waiver services and ABA treatment. More prevalent now than ever, caretakers/guardians/parents are unsure of what they can do now that they have an adolescent or grown "child" that never received treatment. The treatment options and road map can be overwhelming and produce yet another source of challenges. ABC, INC may or may not be a good fit for you given individualized circumstances or desires, and that is fine! Our primary goal for being in business is to help people find the best fit. If we can be a provider of choice for you, we are honored just as much as we are honored to be in a place to help you navigate the system. The goal is to get you the best quality care possible, one that works best for you and your loved one.
Thank you for considering and potentially trusting in ABC, INC's services and our team.
Chasity Wright, President/Owner